April in the Garden
Happy first of April. It is so lovely to now be in Spring and to enjoy seeing flowers and buds in your Gardens.
This month we will be:
Busy tidying up borders, weeding, mulching and supporting plants after the Winter months.
Pruning silvery plants including Lavender and trimming winter flowering heather
Turning the compost heap
Tying in and pruning climbing plants as they grow
Watering containers
Planting out new beds and pots
It is time for us to Prune: Hardy Fuchsias, Sedums, Ferns, ornamental grasses, Camellias.
Mowing as the ground dries
Star Plants this month:
Keep a look out for these beautiful plants in your gardens this month:
Snake’s Head Fritillaries
Bleeding Heart
Cherry Blossoms
We are so looking forward to working in your gardens this April, The Team at Mackintosh Martin Gardening