September in the Garden

September is a beautiful month, filled with long, golden evenings that remind us of the final joys of summer. Your garden will still be vibrant, the stunning blooms of Cosmos, Penstemons, Dahlias, Rudbeckia, Sedums (now known as Hylotelephium), and ornamental grasses are now at their peak. We will be working to keep your garden looking its best, keeping it healthy and preparing it for the cooler months ahead.

Gardening Jobs we will be working on in September:

Relocate Evergreen Shrubs
September is an ideal time to move evergreen shrubs since the soil remains warm. Transplanting now gives the roots time to establish before winter, ensuring healthier growth in the spring.

Prune Climbing Roses
Prune climbing roses once their blooms have faded. This encourages strong growth, prevents disease, and promotes more flowers next season.

Cutting back Perennials
Trim back perennials that look tatty once their flowering period is over. This tidies the garden and prepares the plants for next year’s growth.

Divide and Replant Perennials
Divide clumps of perennials, especially those that are becoming bare in the centre, such as Hostas, Asters, and Hylotelephium. Replanting these divisions helps rejuvenate the plants and creates more coverage in your garden.

Move Tender Plants Indoors
Bring tender plants indoors or into the greenhouse to protect them from cooler temperatures. This step ensures they survive the winter and are ready to thrive again next year.

Continuing to deadhead Roses
Continue deadheading roses to extend their blooming period. Removing spent flowers encourages the plants to produce more blooms, keeping your garden colorful well into the autumn.

Scarify Your Lawn
Remove thatch—dead grass and debris—from your lawn using a scarifier or spring-tined rake. This process aerates the lawn, improves drainage, and protects against weeds, keeping your grass lush and healthy.

Planting Design, East Sussex Gardener, Garden Care, Maintenance, beautiful planting, artistic gardening, gardening notes, crowborough garden design, mayfield planting
Planting Design, East Sussex Gardener, Garden Care, Maintenance, beautiful planting, artistic gardening, gardening notes, crowborough garden design, mayfield planting
Planting Design, East Sussex Gardener, Garden Care, Maintenance, beautiful planting, artistic gardening, gardening notes, crowborough garden design, mayfield planting, apples
Planting Design, East Sussex Gardener, Garden Care, Maintenance, beautiful planting, artistic gardening, gardening notes, crowborough garden design, mayfield planting, dahlia
Planting Design, East Sussex Gardener, Garden Care, Maintenance, beautiful planting, artistic gardening, gardening notes, crowborough garden design, mayfield planting, cosmos, dahlia

October in the Garden


August in the Garden