February in the Garden

For us at Mackintosh Martin, February in the garden is a golden opportunity to lay the foundations of a successful growing year. It’s at this time that we’re in the full swing of winter pruning in particular we’re pruning late flowering shrubs.

As a gardener, these jobs must be completed with vigour, taking the plants back to the bare essentials so that come late summer, the plant will thank you and reward you with a beautiful display. February time is also ideal for your wisteria’s winter prune, a technical job that we delight in, making sure you get the most from these spectacular show plants.  

Now with all this pruning we will be creating a lot of cuttings and waste; this is why in the early months, if you haven’t got one already, it’s a great time to build or choose a site for a compost. Composting done well is one of the most beneficial things for your garden, to start a good foundation for the growing year, composting is a great place to start. We have built a number of composts for clients in January, allowing them to make the most of their garden waste.

Whilst the days are getting longer, and glimpses of spring appear there are still some very wet and rather miserable days in February. You may not like the idea of venturing out in the pouring rain to cut back your deciduous hedges and other plants, but this doesn’t stop us at Mackintosh Martin from getting those important jobs done for you. These days are very valuable gardening days to prepare your garden for the approach of spring as well as to make your garden a joy to look at from the cosiness of your home.

If you need help with garden clearance, pruning, compost building or general tidying and weeding we would love to help you to bring your garden into its best version of itself.

Get in touch for your free garden consultation here:


March in the Garden